Friday, August 29, 2014


I watched this video the other day and it affected me a lot.

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On the guy's point of view, I would get hurt as well. Noticing my girlfriend's change of mood as if she is irritated with my presence, quickly grabbing her phone just so I wouldn't see the name of the caller, and seeing her cheating right before my eyes. Although the guy had a fault for not letting her know that he had a part-time job nor voicing out his feelings. Of course, his girlfriend wouldn't realize she's already hurting him if he isn't saying anything. I mean, opening up to your partner is a way to make the relationship work, right?

On the girl's point of view, she was feeling lonely because she had no idea what her boyfriend was doing. Thus, she started spending time with another guy. The lack of communication is one factor on why she started cheating on him. However, she didn't voice out her feelings as well and she was expecting too much. See the scene where she asked when would they have a car and the guy replied "Want to ride a nice car? I'll take care of that!" but it turned out to be a joke, which irritated her? It showed that she was really expecting that they would ride a nice car. She could have told him that the joke wasn't funny or something like that.

I am not being biased on either side because I can understand how both of them felt. But like how it is said in the lyrics "If you still care for me, I'd like you to reconsider how I feel." Cheating isn't a solution; it's a choice. You choose a path for your own happiness, forgetting that the person you are cheating on is a human being with feelings too. Yeah, maybe he/she will never know but what if others like your mutual friends saw you? Then you're in for a mess. I find it sad that something like this is becoming quite common nowadays.

Guys, don't be afraid to voice out your feelings to one another, especially to your partners. There may be times they will be against you or think that you are just being so dramatic, but keeping those feelings inside or telling them to others instead of the person himself/herself won't make you feel better. (It might even worsen the situation.) Do your part and calmly tell them how you feel.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Misery Season

It's that time of the year again, wherein I go through an emotional roller coaster not knowing if I am just overthinking things or the past is hitting me in the face. It just so happens that these events occur within July to September. Sadly, my birthday is within those months.

For the past weeks, there were random times I would start crying because of a feeling that keeps penetrating my heart and lungs until my eyes could no longer bring out tears. The pain results to me having lack of sleep and swollen eyes that I have to make up a dumb excuse like "I just read a sad story last night." and add a smile with that statement to make it more convincing. Sometimes, I just keep quiet and focus on my work. This is probably the feeling of emptiness or abandonment (or maybe both). It's strange I'm having the same feelings I had 2 years ago but the events back then were worse because I made myself look like a fool for 2 months believing in something that was no longer there.

Nothing to worry, I'm sure this feeling will disappear soon since it is already mid-August meaning, I'm already half way through the misery season. I just hope that I'll be able to sleep properly next week.