Everyone has problems in life, whether big or small, they are still problems. So how do we go through these problems? We find solutions.
Today, in The Feast, Bro. Bo talked about "Solutions." First he shared about how Moses solved his problem with an Egyptian, who was physically hurting one of the Hebrews. Moses just killed him and hid the body in the sand. Do you think what he did solve the problem? No, it didn't. Moses just right the wrong with another wrong.
Here is another way of explaining this topic:
Imagine that your dreams are just in front of you but there is a brick wall in the way.
What would you do? Some would just give up since the wall is such a problem that they rather not deal with it anymore. Others would just put their trust in God and do nothing. That isn't right, we cannot always be spoon-fed. We can trust in God but of course, actions need to be done in order for the miracles to work. So what do you think is the solution to this brick wall problem? Get a hammer and break it? That's what others do, but that isn't right either. Breaking that wall will cause your dreams to be crushed.
Nobody wants to crush their dreams but that's what others do. You know why? They use their pride in reaching them. They just focus on the problem, not the purpose of their dreams. So how do you solve your problem then? Simple, focus on your purpose! You see the photo of the brick wall above? It's just small, it's not even as long as The Great Wall of China. If you are focusing on your problem, you wouldn't even notice that the wall is just blocking the path but if you are focusing on your purpose, you will reach your dreams without having to deal with that wall.
I will share with you a story that happened to me last Friday night:
I woke up at around 7pm, from a long nap, and I had to go to the computer right away to work on a powerpoint presentation for my TQM subject. Honestly, that work could have been done over the Christmas break but I was so laid-back, enjoying the long hours on the internet without worrying about having school the next day. Very careless of me. So anyways, I had to push myself into finishing the work or else I will be in big trouble with the professor.
I officially started at around 10pm. My report was on a whole chapter and it was a long one. Searching for photos and making sure that each slide had a maximum of 6 lines was tough! I wanted to cry and start hating myself for slacking off during the break. I even wanted to tweet "TQM... Kill me now!" but I refrained myself from doing those things. Instead, I focused on my purpose for staying up late which was to finish the powerpoint presentation. It was my fault after all for not working on it when I was supposed to, so I had to face the consequence. I had no sleep that night but I managed to finish it earlier than expected. (I praise God for that!)
The next day, while I was reporting, the professor commented "I really like your presentation. When did you do this?" with a smile, I replied "Last night." He made an expression as if he was surprised yet in disbelief that I managed to work on it overnight. As I was continuing my report, he made another comment: "You know, you really have a good choice of photos." I could see it in his face that he was amazed that I did a good job on something that was long and done last-minute. That really made my day and I was thankful to God that he was by my side while I was working on the presentation. As a reward to myself for a job well done, I slept for the whole day!
If I was stressing over the problem which was staying up late and having to summarize the chapter, I wouldn't have been able to finish my work on time nor would it have turned out great. So if you have a problem, don't focus on it. Instead, focus on your purpose!
During the closing worship, Bro. Bo recommended to us on what should do to something(s) we have lost. One was about money and the other was about a person in our life. The latter one called my attention, Bro. Bo said "If that boyfriend left you for someone else, here's my recommendation: Forget it. Tell yourself "Kawawa naman siya.* He doesn't know what he's missing." and then open your heart; open your life for someone new to come in. Not now, you don't want to have a rebound relationship but take your time. Heal, find yourself and then later on, open yourself to love and joy and peace." What he said really struck me that I wanted to burst into tears. I managed to hold them back but deep inside, I was breaking down yet very thankful once again for Bro. Bo's message.
"Don't focus on the problem. Focus on your purpose."
Thank you so much Lord for Bro. Bo Sanchez!
*Kawawa naman siya means 'I pity him' (according to my sister)
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